Exito Beauty Clinic: Alle Dimensionen von Schönheit und Erfolg

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Exito Beauty hat sich auf Ihre Schönheit spezialisiert: Unserem spezifisch ausgebildeten Personal ist es möglich, durch minimalinvasive Injektionen das Erscheinungsbild des Gesichtes nach Ihren Wünschen zu verändern, aufzufüllen oder zu korrigieren.

Über Uns

Leitende Ärztin

S. Weinstein, Fachärztin Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Kardiologie.

Katerina Gasser-Celik

Ärztin, Tätigkeitsgebiet – Ästhetische Medizin. 

Irina Geliev-Sowa

Ärztin, Tätigkeitsgebiet –  ästhetische Medizin.

Alper Celik

Klinik Manager.

Ästhetische Behandlungen

Eine Injektion mit Hyaluronsäure verursacht eine effektive Auffüllung und damit eine Glättung von Falten. Mit Hilfe einer Volumen Behandlung kann Hyaluronsäure auch dazu genutzt werden um bestimmte Konturen des Gesichtes oder anderer Körperregionen zu beeinflussen

Muskelrelaxan ist ein biologisch erzeugtes Eiweissprotein. Wir bringen es mit sehr feinen Injektionsnadeln punktgenau unter die Haut. Dort versetzt das Muskelrekaxan die Nervenzellen, die die Muskulatur anregen, für mehrere Monate in eine Art Schlaf. Die Folge davon: eine entspannte Mimik

Fadenlifting ist für Patienten mit schlaffe Haut, gravitation Gewebeptosis geeignet. Methoden werden individuell ausgewählt.

Dank Fadenlifting kann man definierte Gesichtskonturen erzielen, Augenbrauenlifting (Augenbrauenspitze Anhebung oder ganze Augenbrauen), Lifting von laterale Gesichtsbereiche, Hals- und Kinnfadenlifting

Die Wirkung der Fettwegspritze ist schon nach wenigen Behandlungen sichtbar. Durch das Einschmelzen der Körperfettzellen bei der Lipolyse verschwinden die lokalen Problemzonen für immer, das Hautgewebe zieht sich elastisch zusammen und bietet wieder ein glattes Hautbild. Bleibt das Körpergewicht relativ konstant, werden sich an den behandelten Körperstellen keine neuen Fettzellen bilden.

Zu Beginn einer PRP Behandlung entnehmen wir der Klientin etwas Blut aus ihrer Vene, daher sagt man auch „Vampire Lifting“. Das frisch gewonnene Eigenblut – eine kleine Dosis ist schon ausreichend – wird nun medizinisch per Zentrifugalkraft schonend aufbereitet, um die gewünschten Eigenblutbestandteile herauszufiltern.

Kosmetische Behandlungen

Eine Injektion mit Hyaluronsäure verursacht eine effektive Auffüllung und damit eine Glättung von Falten. Mit Hilfe einer Volumen Behandlung kann Hyaluronsäure auch dazu genutzt werden um bestimmte Konturen des Gesichtes oder anderer Körperregionen zu beeinflussen

Muskelrelaxan ist ein biologisch erzeugtes Eiweissprotein. Wir bringen es mit sehr feinen Injektionsnadeln punktgenau unter die Haut. Dort versetzt das Muskelrekaxan die Nervenzellen, die die Muskulatur anregen, für mehrere Monate in eine Art Schlaf. Die Folge davon: eine entspannte Mimik

Fadenlifting ist für Patienten mit schlaffe Haut, gravitation Gewebeptosis geeignet. Methoden werden individuell ausgewählt.

Dank Fadenlifting kann man definierte Gesichtskonturen erzielen, Augenbrauenlifting (Augenbrauenspitze Anhebung oder ganze Augenbrauen), Lifting von laterale Gesichtsbereiche, Hals- und Kinnfadenlifting

Die Wirkung der Fettwegspritze ist schon nach wenigen Behandlungen sichtbar. Durch das Einschmelzen der Körperfettzellen bei der Lipolyse verschwinden die lokalen Problemzonen für immer, das Hautgewebe zieht sich elastisch zusammen und bietet wieder ein glattes Hautbild. Bleibt das Körpergewicht relativ konstant, werden sich an den behandelten Körperstellen keine neuen Fettzellen bilden.

Zu Beginn einer PRP Behandlung entnehmen wir der Klientin etwas Blut aus ihrer Vene, daher sagt man auch „Vampire Lifting“. Das frisch gewonnene Eigenblut – eine kleine Dosis ist schon ausreichend – wird nun medizinisch per Zentrifugalkraft schonend aufbereitet, um die gewünschten Eigenblutbestandteile herauszufiltern.


Exito Beauty Clic GbH
Basierend auf 119 Bewertungen
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11:43 02 Sep 24
Songül TorunSongül Torun
20:34 09 Aug 24
My experience.Before I even decided to express my opinion, I took the time to read through the reviews. What is noticeable is that in the case of negative feedback from customers, there is no assumption of possible fault on the part of the clinic (everything is the customer’s fault or not in the customer portal).Now to my experience… I was interested in having my nose narrowed and originally booked an appointment for August 24th this month in Zug, but when I found out that the Exito Clinic in Basel was having a walk-in day today, I decided to go .I was greeted very friendly by a gentleman and asked to take a seat in the waiting room.I was quickly asked to take a seat in front of the treatment room.Then unfortunately the negative began…I have never seen Katarina in person. It was the first time I dared to take such a step and was simply waved in without her introducing herself. The consultation lasted just under 10 minutesWhen I asked her, since she talked about swelling after the treatment, whether I could see pictures before and after, I received a smiling answer: “I don’t take pictures of swollen noses. She didn’t respond to me at all, she was just like a cool person Wall statue there and had no facial expressions, no winning manner and best of all it was a very small area that bothered me on my nose and when she said the amount and her assistant looked at HER I knew that she was simply pricing the prices based on sympathy.Sad, sad. Then when I openly expressed my opinion to her, she made it clear again that she had no interest in carrying out treatment. When I ran out (for the first time there) I missed the pressure on the outside door of the treatment room (instead of pulling, I pushed it) and Katarina laughed at me.The good thing about the story: I’ll let it go, if only to a specialized expert with a federal diploma.I wish everyone who has had positive experiences continued positive experiences, but please also accept the negative experiences without prejudice.Sometimes less is MORE…
12:34 02 Jun 24
Bad! I had my lips injected and my lips are full of bumps… at the follow-up they said this would go away by massaging, which is a pointless thing. My lips are irregular and the bumps are very visible. just unprofessional and bad work.
gylten Suttergylten Sutter
22:08 10 May 24
Alex DandoerferAlex Dandoerfer
10:22 08 May 24
Girls, you are all three – charm, joy and happiness! I visited you 2 weeks ago at Baby Face. Very pleased! Now you can’t get rid of me)), I’ll come again.Alle drei Ärztinnen sind sehr kompetent und gut 👍, machen ihre Arbeit wirklich super! Ich bin sehr zufrieden, komme immer wieder, und empfehle weiter!
Dennis MartinezDennis Martinez
11:45 07 May 24
Jessika BeckenbauerJessika Beckenbauer
10:58 07 May 24
Sarah MieschSarah Miesch
14:59 10 Apr 24
Maria GaïtantzisMaria Gaïtantzis
13:16 19 Mar 24
I 100% recommend Doctor Kateryna. I travel from Geneva to Bern every year for his meticulous work! The doctor is patient, attentive, her work is extraordinary and has great experience. I have never had such beautiful lips! Every time I leave the clinic I feel more confident and beautiful thanks to Doctor Kateryna.
I am very satisfied, it was my first time there! the consultation with Dr. Sofia was very knowledgeable and professional. I hardly noticed the treatment of several injections on my face and survived it without any pain 🤩, I felt very well taken care of and am looking forward to my next appointment!It should be added that the rooms are very well maintained and the staff is very nice.🤩
Stephanie JescheStephanie Jesche
11:40 01 Mar 24
I booked an appointment in Cham online and when I drove to the address that was in the email confirmation, I realized that there was no practice there. Not even a name can be found anywhere. When I called the number given, only the answering machine answered. I’m super disappointed. I’ve really never experienced anything like that. I could have wasted that time better. So no recommendation.
Jessica RutschiJessica Rutschi
22:11 01 Feb 24
PS not a fake account as claimed 🙂
Lola NugelLola Nugel
22:21 29 Jan 24
I’m very satisfied. I was there for the first time and had botched lips (external work) dissolved by Katerina. The treatment was almost completely painless and the doctor was very friendly.I’m looking forward to coming back in two weeks to have my lips injected for the first time at exito beauty!
Leah GrafLeah Graf
15:06 19 Jan 24
Denise ArnoldDenise Arnold
07:56 15 Jan 24
Mandy KunzeMandy Kunze
04:14 15 Jan 24
Melissa BeckerMelissa Becker
03:09 13 Jan 24
A Google User
A Google User
14:39 11 Jan 24
Kristina BaerKristina Baer
11:34 11 Jan 24
I can only thank you and would be happy to recommend you.
Jessika FoersterJessika Foerster
10:18 11 Jan 24
Jessica RutschiJessica Rutschi
21:21 08 Jan 24
Milena RüthemannMilena Rüthemann
12:37 22 Dec 23
Esta ArslanEsta Arslan
18:39 08 Dec 23
Definitely 5 stars for all 3 doctors who treat patients so carefully, professionally and sensitively and have the perfect eye for aesthetics. I am always more than satisfied with the treatments and can only recommend them with all my heart 👍
Sara UrnerSara Urner
12:14 01 Dec 23
Vanessa FaberVanessa Faber
10:16 01 Dec 23
Tanja VoglerTanja Vogler
08:57 30 Nov 23
Verena WulffVerena Wulff
15:03 28 Nov 23
Janine KohlerJanine Kohler
18:11 13 Nov 23
I went to get my lips done by Katarina, she talked to a man next to me in Russian the whole time and didn’t respond to my request at all! I wanted one ml in total and she just put one ml in my upper lip. When I told her what was wrong with the lower lip she said ah, I thought only at the top!So I had to spray the bottom again extra, which cost me more money and was simply sprayed way too excessively.She is very arrogant and completely unprofessional! Absolute rip-off and not recommended. I had to have my lips dissolved in a professional clinic afterwards!If you write now that you can’t find me in the file or that I’m fake, then I’m sorry, no one will believe these excuses anymore!
Anke MüllerAnke Müller
10:58 11 Nov 23
This beauty clinic is simply amazing.
Jessika MaurerJessika Maurer
10:05 08 Nov 23
Luca F.Luca F.
07:54 01 Nov 23
Corinna AmannCorinna Amann
13:57 28 Oct 23
Very competent doctors, results are always perfect
Tiffany KayTiffany Kay
07:42 22 Oct 23
I really can’t understand all these negative reviews. I have been a customer for 4 years and have never had any problems. It’s true that waiting times were a weak point, especially in the past. You can now book your appointments online and they are trying to improve this. In addition, if you decide to undergo such treatment, you should take your time. This is not a fast food restaurant, this is about specialist medical interventions.So far I have only ever been treated by Katya and this time by Irina. As always, I am very happy with my results. Irina took a lot of time to explain everything to me and gave me very good advice. The work was gentle, calm and with a lot of empathy. Thank you dear Exito Beauty Team! 🍀😊
Sayra JäggiSayra Jäggi
13:55 18 Oct 23
Long waiting time but great results and nice doctor
Ce KCe K
08:20 08 Oct 23
Then you write from the beginning that for data protection reasons this cannot be sent via email, but the answer I received was „if only they had“ as if this had not happened. This is not a fake profile, I have written several reviews elsewhere and of course I don’t present my full name and address?! This is, among other things, the purpose of Google reviews. It’s also okay if you receive a lot of emails but then you accept that it went under but your answer was different. Of course there was no rubber effect at the beginning, so it was nice at the beginning, but what good is that if it becomes very ugly over time? I want a longer-term result and not just looking beautiful immediately after the treatment! And I also called, sorry, I have a job and can’t come over right away. I had legitimate concerns with my lips, nothing is unfair here?? The point here is for patients to share their experience and I was polite but got stupid answers like if they had or if they had done this. Should I also tell you if you had done this or that back then? No. It is as it is and finished and yes all after 3 years. Instead of saying sorry, it may happen that your email was overlooked, my honesty is questioned and I am accused of having had treatments elsewhere, etc.
Daniela WellerDaniela Weller
09:12 06 Oct 23
Stefan MaurerStefan Maurer
11:24 29 Sep 23
Thank you
Sabrina BurgerSabrina Burger
10:47 28 Sep 23
The lifting makes my face look much younger, great
Renate DiethelmRenate Diethelm
12:20 24 Sep 23
Antonia JonasAntonia Jonas
18:29 03 Sep 23
Hi lolHi lol
10:47 02 Aug 23
Disappointed!!After 2 weeks my lips were like they used to be. Didn’t notice any difference at all, except that the alleged hyaluron got stuck in 2 places on the side!Unfortunately, I received no reply to my emails on January 27th and February 1st! I wanted to know the name of the product that I was injected with! I was called several times to write emails! But then no answerNever go there again!!!!!!!!Oh by the way V. M if you are looking for me in your file !!!! If you even own one!!!
joshua ammannjoshua ammann
10:42 02 Aug 23
Jla HaeJla Hae
20:02 26 Jul 23
Was there on Monday to repair my lip from an accident, which was scarred and bothered me a lot because lips were unequal, the reception and the 2 competent doctors who took my fears away, I was very relaxed during the treatment.A foreign work was also repaired on the temples of the eyes, the eye area and the lips were repaired at the top.Many thanks Dr.Irina Geliev-Sowa very great experience and very friendly 🙏Only come Exito Beauty Allschwil, in Zurich, Bern, Freiburg everything was a disappointment at other clinics too imprecise or only quick processing.
The best clinic in all of Switzerland ❤️ Doctors are professionals in their field and have the most advanced techniques. High service and quality. I always come back with great gratitude, my favorite clinic is the Exito Beauty Clinic. ❤️ I recommend clinic to all my friends. There is simply no better quality. I am satisfied with my results. I thank my beloved doctor Katerina from the bottom of my heart ❤️🙏 Everyone who dreams of being young and beautiful, make an appointment 🥰❤️
Luis PerezLuis Perez
16:35 27 Oct 19
I was in the clinic EXITO BEAUTY and I am very happy with my results, I spoke to a friend of success beauty she was made her lips feel happy with her results and the treatment received
Lisbeth GomezLisbeth Gomez
16:26 27 Oct 19
I was at the Success Beauty ClinicMy lips look amazingI had a negative experience with another doctor before, but the doctors here are amazing. I had no pain and was very happy with my lips now. We will come back there again